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Alexander was only 25 when he fought the Battle of Gaugamela, for the second time defeating the Persian King Darius. But it was not the decisive victory he’d hoped for. Once again, Darius had escaped, and so was still a threat, able to raise another army against him.
Commander of the army of the Hellenic League, and endorsed by the Greek city states to carry out a war of retribution against the Persian Empire, it was obvious to him that once started, this war could only end when the Persian threat to the Helleneic world was dealt with once and for all. And Alexander was never one to quit.
Beside him, is Hephaistion, his soulmate and lover, encouraging him when right, fighting him when wrong. As their tempestuous relationship is tested time and again by the changes and decisions Alexander is forced to make, can their love survive against the demands of a kingdom and the sacrifices of a war?